
Published Academic Papers:

2021: Michael Clark "Adam Smith as Solon: Accommodating on the Edges of Liberty, Not Abandoning It." Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization. Forthcoming.

2020: Michael Clark. "The Alchian Maze." The Journal of Economic Education. Forthcoming.

2012: Daniel Klein and Michael Clark. "Direct and Overall Liberty: Replies to Walter Block and Claudia Williamson." Reason Papers, 34, October 2012. pp. 133-143.

2011: Michael Clark. Book Review of “Adam Smith” by Gavin Kennedy. The Adam Smith Review.

2011: Daniel Klein and Michael Clark. “The Music of Social Intercourse: Synchrony in Adam Smith.” The Independent Review, v. 15, n. 3, Winter 2011. pp. 413-420.

2010: Daniel Klein and Michael Clark. “Direct and Overall Liberty: Areas and Extent of Disagreement.” Reason Papers, 32, Fall 2010. pp. 41-66.

2006: Daniel Klein and Michael Clark. “A Little More Liberty: What the JEL Omits in its Account of What the Economic Report of the President Omits.” Econ Journal Watch. Volume 3, Number 3, September 2006.


Title: The Virtuous Discourse of Adam Smith: The Political Economist’s Measured Words on Public Policy. Abstract and Defense Listing
Committee: Dan Klein, Tyler Cowen, Pete Boettke.
-The Virtuous Discourse of Adam Smith: A Liberal Regard for Prevailing Prejudice.
(Working Paper)
-Adam Smith’s Approach to Public Policy: Astounding Deviation or Artful Moderation? (Working Paper)
-Direct and Overall Liberty: Areas and Extent of Disagreement.
(Published Paper)

Select Popular Writings:

2017: It’s Time to Look Beyond the ‘White Picket Fence’ of Home Ownership (Real Clear Markets)

2017: Michigan Consumers at the Heart of the NAFTA Debate (Detroit News)

2014: The Economist Who Said Maybe. (Foundation for Economic Education Feature Article)